Bloons TD6’s frightening Boss Bloon, the Gravelord Lych, is one of the most challenging bosses! Here’s how to conquer your next BTD6 challenge.
Fighting a Boss Bloon is one of the most challenging game modes in all Bloons TD6. Aside from the boss’ unique abilities and features, the map can also be an extra challenge, and with some hero restrictions, getting your Boss Bloon badges may not be a breeze.
The game has five Boss Bloons that rotate every week – the Gravelord Lych being one of them. If you’re ready to rise up the ranks for a Gravelord Lych battle in Bloons TD6, here’s all you need to know!
Gravelord Lych: Abilities and Levels
Heals if you have buffing towers
I know that having a Permanent Brew or a buffing Alchemist is always a go-to strategy in Boss Challenges. However, having a buffing tower can make it harder to clinch victory! The Gravelord Lych saps all buffs from your supporting towers (including Overclock and all Alchemist buffs, but excluding all permanent buffs from the Monkey Village and Heroes).
If you still choose to run the Boss challenge with these towers, ensure you have backup or extra DPS to prevent the Gravelord Lych from overhealing.
Heals every tower sold
The Gravelord Lych heals if you sell a tower while the boss is on screen. The Lych heals 1% of its HP for each tier upgrade to the tower you sold (+1% for unupgraded towers). So, for example, if you sell an Elite Defender while the Gravelord Lych is in the lane, the boss will heal 6% of its health.
Remember to sell towers before Levels 40, 60, 80, 100, and 120 to avoid these unnecessary healing.
Becomes invulnerable, every skull lost
The Gravelord Lych becomes invulnerable after every Tier but is also unable to siphon heals from buffing towers during this state. During this state, the boss spawns a Lych-soul and resurrection of all MOABs you popped in the last 20 seconds. Think of it as a mechanism akin to Prince of Darkness (Wizard Monkey), although these MOAB ghosts are against you this time.
Spawns a Lych-Soul that drains your lives
As if respawning MOAB-class bloons is not enough, the Lych-Soul also drains your lives while on screen. So make sure to pop this pesky ghoul to avoid a game over, even without Bloon leaks!
One strategy to have more “cushion” lives as the Lych-Soul drains your hearts is to run the challenge with the help of Benjamin’s life restoration or Geraldo’s Rejuv Potion.
Best Heroes For Gravelord Lych Bloons TD6
One of the newer heroes in the game, Geraldo is also the most flexible hero for any Boss Bloon challenge. He can buff, he can pop, and he can give you income like no other. Especially for the Lych, all of Geraldo’s buffs do not apply to the Boss’ healing capabilities. So, if you’re looking for extra popping power for your defense towers, Geraldo may be your right pick.
Benjamin is always a top pick for all Boss Bloon challenges on BTD6. While many may think that boss challenges are all about popping power, they are more about farming and economy strategies than your DPS towers.

The code hacker hero gives you an early-game advantage with all the coins he grants. Moreover, his passive ability to give lives each round is a welcome addition to a Gravelord Lych challenge.
Much like other hero buffs, Adora’s buffs are among the few exceptions to Lych’s heal-sapping ability. Adora may be your hero pick if you plan to run a Vengeful True Sun God for Tiers 4 and 5. However, the economic benefits of picking Geraldo and Benjamin remain unparalleled for Boss’ challenges.
Early Strategy for Gravelord Lych
Your early Boss Bloon strategy should always focus on farming as many coins as possible. This is why many Bloons TD6 players also try to run Boss Bloon challenges with Sauda due to her capability to solo until Level 40, leaving their focus and income solely dedicated to planting more Banana Farms.
While many farming methods and strategies have popped up in each patch, some players may pick their comfort strategy over others. Personally, I try to plant as many 2-x-x Banana Farms as possible until Level 30, where I upgrade these farms (usually, I get around 5-6 of them) into Marketplaces.
Some players prefer to go for a Banana Plantation / Banana Research Facility to the Monkeyopolis route. However, I find the extra lives spawned by the Marketplace more useful in Graveyard Lych challenges.

Now, it’s up to you whether you sell the Banana Farms. If you’re going for the Sticky Bomb route, I find the income sufficient for a Tier 4 Ninja monkey. However, you may need to sell around 2-3 Farms if you opt for the more long-term Tack Zone option.
Now that we have that covered, here are some of your options to popping the Tier 1 Gravelord Lych.
![]() Tack Zone (2-x-5 Tack Shooter) | The Tack Zone is a no-brainer top pick for DPS. This AoE defense tower easily eliminates all Bloons (Boss and regular ones) that come across its path. While a more expensive option, its high-popping power and high attack speed obliterates even up to a Tier 2 boss (with Monkey Village or Embrittlement Ice Monkey). |
![]() Sticky Bomb (2-x-4 Ninja Monkey) | This tower is always mentioned when defeating Tier 1 Boss Bloon. The Sticky Bomb is inexpensive, efficient, and very easy to acquire. While the kill may not be as instant as the Tack Zone’s speed, the Sticky Bomb still does its job pretty well. Unlike other Boss Bloons, the Sticky Bomb may not be able to hold the fort alone, given the spawned creatures of the Lych. Support this tower (set to Strong priority) with a MOAB Mauler or MOAB Assassin. |
Best Towers for Gravelord Lych
![]() Super Brittle (5-2-x Ice Monkey) | As buffing your towers is not an option for this boss, the next best move is to “nerf” the Bloons. Think of Super Brittle as a “virus” that weakens the Bloons nearby. This tower, paired with fast-hitting DPS such as the Sticky Bomb or MOAB-specific defenses, would highly increase your chance of winning even elite modes. |
![]() Shinobi Tactics Horde (2-3-x Ninja Monkey) Grandmaster Ninja (5-x-2 Ninja Monkey) | A horde of self-buffing Shinobi Ninjas is a good match to the resurrecting prowess of the Lych. However, this Horde could only prove its worth if you pair it with a Grandmaster Ninja and place it near your Sticky Bomb/ Bombmaster Ninja from Tier 1. |
![]() Tech Terror (2-4-x Super Monkey) | Not many BTD6 players think of the Tech Terror when battling Boss Bloons, which is a shame. I prefer the second-track upgrades to the Super Monkey than the TSG route. It’s efficient and has high popping power while being a fraction of the cost. |
![]() Cripple MOAB (5-x-2 Sniper Monkey) | Yet another “nerfing” defense tower is the Cripple MOAB. This MOAB-specific tower renders all MOAB strength seemingly useless while pushing back these pesky Bloons at the same time. While the Cripple MOAB is not a primary DPS, it is a great support unit to set up your DPS to decimate all MOABs easily. |
![]() M.A.D. (2-5-x Dartling Gunner) | The M.A.D. is always a trustworthy pick to annihilate the Gravelord Lych and all resurrected MOABs on your screen. This works well with the previously mentioned nerfing towers to reach their maximum capacity even without the help of the Permanent Brew Alchemist. |
![]() MOAB Eliminator (2-5-x Bomb Shooter) | The MOAB Eliminator is always a must-have for all Boss Bloons, especially when it’s that challenge where you need the least spent money in ranked. It’s one of the cheapest Tier 5 upgrades and has a global ability. Its low ability cooldown also lets you spam-hit all the MOABs on your screen. |
![]() Apex Plasma Master (Dart Monkey Paragon) | Out of all the Paragon options, the Apex Plasma Master reigns supreme on most Boss Bloon challenges, hence its S-tier position on our tier list. Given that most of the challenges in Boss Bloon situations involve farming capabilities, the Apex Plasma Master easily fills the role while being twice as cheap as other viable Paragons. |