Are you ready to defeat the mighty Inflator of Bloons TD6? Here’s your guide to the best heroes, tower strategy, and everything you need to know about Bloonarius!
Bloonarius is one of Bloons TD6’s first heroes. Now part of the popular tower defense game’s five-boss weekly rotation, there are many ways to show your bloon-popping expertise and defeat “The Inflator.”
If you’re ready to show your Bloons TD6 expertise in a ranked challenge (or an Elite mode) of Bloonarius the Inflator, here’s all you need to know.
Bloonarius the Inflator: Abilities and Levels
High HP, slow movement
The Bloonarius has extremely high HP, making high-DPS towers necessary to conquer this Boss Bloon successfully. While this boss has tremendous health, it also moves slowly, giving you enough time to hit it with long-range and direct hits.
Spawns Bloons without the income
The real catch about Bloonarius’ low health is the amount of “Bleed Bloons” it spawns. For every 1% damage taken, the Bloonarius spawns one of its minions on the track. But the real problem comes when you successfully nick 25% of the Bloonarius’ health, which makes the boss spawn a horde of Bloons onto the track.
Note that, unlike the Vortex, the Bloons this boss spawns can take ahead of him in the track, so make sure to put defense towers somewhere in the middle of the map.
Best Heroes For Bloonarius Bloons TD6
Benjamin is always a top-tier pick for boss challenges due to his ability to snowball your early-game economy. Being wise in your farming choices on Boss Bloons is essential, so if you want to secure high-DPS towers by Level 40, Benjamin is a top choice.

Our top pick on our Bloons TD6 Hero Tier List, Sauda reigns supreme on modes and challenges where many bloons are hurled her way. Despite not being a direct source of income, she can also help you have a good farming balance, as having Sauda on your map lets you focus on farming in the early rounds. Moreover, she can easily handle the Bloons spawned by a Tier 1 Bloonarius. However, she may not be instrumental in late-game scenarios.
Besides Benjamin, Geraldo is your second-best bet for a “farming hero.” Geraldo’s Quincy Action Figure can be a great early investment that will surely pay off by Tier 1 or for your Tier 2 DPS boost. Beyond being a great hero for economy, Geraldo also has the Blade Trap, which may be useful in clutch situations, and the Paragon Power Totem, which can greatly aid your late-game runs.
Obyn Greenfoot

Unlike other heroes on this list, Obyn is more of a “situational” hero – you need to run him with a specific “set” of towers to unleash his true potential. The Avatar of Wrath and a horde of Druids may only be viable when run with Obyn, and vice versa. While this strategy is extremely specific, it works well for a Boss that spawns many Bloons like the Bloonarius.
Early Strategy for Bloonarius
The early game strategy for all Boss Bloons in Bloons TD6 always demands good income management. For the first 30 rounds, getting as many economy towers (Monkey Buccaneers or Banana Farm) as possible should always be your top priority while defending your base (or letting the least amount of lives lost).
Suppose you’re going for a Benjamin strategy. In that case, I suggest using the free Dart Monkey (from the knowledge tree) or a Tack Shooter as a starting tower while saving enough coins to buy the hero the soonest round possible. Once you have Benjamin, you should stack up on 2-x-x Banana Farms until Level 30, and then buy Marketplaces for higher worth once sold for your first-tier DPS.
Now that we’ve covered how to farm for early-game Bloonarius, here are your early-game DPS options for Tier 1.
![]() Tack Zone (2-x-5 Tack Shooter) | The Tack Zone is a powerful DPS that easily eliminates any Bloon that comes across its path. This tower can easily handle the Bloonarius and all the minions it spawns. To make it stronger, you can pair it with an Embrittlement Ice Monkey or an Alchemist for a popping power boost. |
![]() Sticky Bomb (2-x-4 Ninja Monkey) | This tower is a classic and always comes in handy when defeating Tier 1 Boss Bloons. The Sticky Bomb can handle Bloonarius’s extra HP, given that the map gives this Ninja Monkey enough exposure time to the Boss. |
![]() Blade Maelstrom (x-4-2 Tack Shooter) | Another Tack Shooter iteration in the list, the Blade Maelstrom’s activated ability just reigns supreme in handling the “spawn rush” of Bloonarius’ minions. If you’re using the Sticky Bomb to eliminate the boss itself, the Blade Maelstrom can easily handle the Bleed Bloons on the other side of the map. |
Best Towers for Defeating Bloonarius in Bloons TD6
![]() Dragon’s Breath (x-3-2 Monkey Wizard) | If effortlessly popping a huge slew of Bloons is the name of the game, the Monkey Wizard is the right one to call. While the Fire Wall upgrade is enough to ward off any sneaky Bleed Bloons that try to leak past your defenses, going for the next upgrade will further strengthen your defense. You could place this Monkey Wizard a little before the exit to act as a “final check” of your defenses. (Take it as a Gandalf memoir of “You shall not pass!) |
![]() Recursive Cluster / Bomb Blitz (x-2-4/5 Bomb Shooter) | This is my personal favorite tower when it comes to shutting down hordes of Bloons that come to the lane at a great speed. The Recursive Cluster is a great upgrade to your defenses at Tier 2, given that the Bloonarius now spawns ceramic Bloons. |
![]() Glaive Lord (5-2-x Boomerang Monkey) | Another top contender for eliminating Bleed Bloons is the Glaive Lord. What sets this Boomerang Monkey apart is the “ricochet” ability that lets it eliminate and pop Bloons further up the track, even far from its range. However, keep in mind that both Recursive Cluster and the Glaive Lord require the support of a Monkey Village to see Camo Bloons! |
![]() Avatar of Wrath (x-2-5 Druid) | As I’ve suggested earlier, the Avatar of Wrath is a great choice for DPS – one that can eliminate both the Bloonarius itself and its huge slew of minions. For the Avatar of Wrath to truly be powerful, it requires a set of five “minions” themselves, or five Poplust Druids that buff each other’s attack speeds. Moreover, this setup is best ran with Obyn Greenfoot as your hero. |
![]() Sky Shredder (5-x-2 Monkey Ace) | Does the Bloonarius map have several streams and lanes? If so, eliminate the “worry” with a global defense tower ready to eliminate all Bloons on your screen. You may also buff this tower with an Alchemist for greater popping capabilities. |
![]() M.A.D. (2-5-x Dartling Gunner) | Like our guide to Vortex, the M.A.D. is a great tower for conquering Tier 2 and 3 of Boss Bloons. However, remember that this long-range defense tower depends on how fast you activate its ability. You should use this tower with a Permanent Brew Alchemist for higher popping power and an Energizer Monkey Sub for reduced cool downs on its ability. |
Goliath Doomship (Monkey Ace Paragon) Apex Plasma Master (Dart Monkey Paragon) Navarch of the Seas (Monkey Buccaneer Paragon) | Like our guide to Vortex, the M.A.D. is a great tower for conquering Tier 2 and 3 of Boss Bloons. However, remember that this long-range defense tower depends on how fast you activate its ability. You should use this tower with a Permanent Brew Alchemist for higher popping power and an Energizer Monkey Sub for reduced cooldowns on its ability. |