The formerly event-exclusive Archer Queen Hero Equipment is now available in the trader shop! Is it worth your gems? Let’s find out.
If you’ve been playing Clash of Clans recently, you know that Archer Queen reigns above all heroes and troops. (We’re sorry, Barbarian King.) With the Queen Walk strategy taking the pro scene and the Legend League by storm, you just know that you need to get your Queen’s kit right.
Aside from standard Hero Equipment available in the Blacksmith, Supercell has also introduced epic-level items that are available at events or through the Trader Shop.
The Frozen Arrow is currently on rotation in the Trader Shop for 1500 gems. If you’re wondering if it’s worth the big spend, here are some things to consider.

What is the Frozen Arrow equipment?
Initially released during the Dragon Express event, the Frozen Arrow is the first epic-grade hero equipment for the Archer Queen. The Queen currently has the most synergy with all attacks, and the Queen Walk is a popular offensive strategy, so many Clash of Clans players were eager to grab the equipment during the event.
The mechanics of this Hero Equipment are pretty simple—the Frozen Arrow slows all attacks on the defensive tower it targets. Moreover, this item also increases the damage per attack of your Archer Queen.
The Frozen Arrow makes the Archer Queen a solo DPS nightmare, especially when deployed with a horde of healers. This item slows all damage aimed at the hero or your army, increasing the survivability of your offensive troops.
With this ability, your A.Q. can single-handedly demolish high-damage towers with smaller ranges, including a single-target Inferno Tower and the Monolith.
Should you buy the Frozen Arrow in the Trader Shop?
As we’ve said in our Clash of Clans Hero Equipment tier list, the Frozen Arrow is S-tier equipment that makes your Queen Walks a “walk in the park.” If you have 1500 gems lying around and you’ve covered all the builders available, the Frozen Arrow is worth the buy.
The only equipment in the Archer Queen’s helm that could be as good as the Frozen Arrow is the Invisibility Vial and the Giant Arrow, with the latter still subjective and highly dependent on your enemy’s base layout.
The true edge of the Frozen Arrow is it doesn’t need to be “activated.” All your Archer Queen’s attacks have the slowing ability and the extra DPS, an aspect that would dwarf the Giant Arrow’s activated and single-use ability.
The Frozen Arrow also works well when running your Grand Warden with the Rage Vial. Imagine a higher-DPS Archer Queen that slows all defensive towers? Now that’s a nightmare!
Overall, the Frozen Arrow is a great buy if you want a self-sufficient Archer Queen and if you frequently run a Queen Walk strategy.
Until when will Frozen Arrow be available in the Trader Shop?
Based on the Giant Gauntlet’s availability in the Trader Shop, the Epic Hero Equipment will rotate every month. The Frozen Arrow could be available until early next season or May.
My guess would be that the Grand Warden’s Fireball will replace the Trader Shop slot for Frozen Arrow in the second week of May or will rotate back to the Giant Gauntlet.