Are you wise about spending your Ores and upgrading your Hero Equipment? Here’s a guide to spending your Ores wisely in Clash of Clans!
With Hero Equipment being one of the most game-breaking updates and aspects of Clash of Clans, players should be wise in how to spend their Ores. Some of these Ores are hard to come by, so invest them in the best way possible.
While each strategy calls for different Hero Equipment comps, some items are better than others. If you’re also looking for the best Hero Equipment in Clash of Clans, we’ve made a tier list for your reference.
Here is a guide to spending your Ores in Clash of Clans!
Ores are not made equal
First and foremost, Ores are not made equal. Remember this when buying them from event-special Trader Shop offers or in the weekly regular shop rotation.
More common Shiny Ores and Glowy Ores are obtainable from the Daily Star Bonus and weekly shop rotation. Meanwhile, the more prized and rare Starry Ore can only be obtained from the Clan War bonus and the current event shop.
Keep this in mind when trading for Ores. Personally, I find Starry Ore to be a chokepoint in upgrading equipment, so make sure to get these Ores whenever possible.
Always upgrade in three-level increments
The real damage difference occurs only every three-level upgrade. Glowy ores and starry ores are also used during these upgrades.

While upgrading your equipment from Level 10 to Level 11 would still make a small difference in DPS, it wouldn’t increase the effectiveness of these equipment’s abilities. It is better to save your Ores until you can afford a three-level upgrade (Levels 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.) to make more difference in your offensive power.
Prioritize “good” equipment
As we’ve said, some items are better than others. While it does not necessarily mean that only Epic-grade equipment is worth upgrading (we’ve also included some common-grade equipment in our A-tier and even S-tier rankings), it still means that you should prioritize your resources on better equipment.

Some of the first equipment available in your Blacksmith will not be viable as you progress in the game, especially for lower-level players. So, make sure to avoid upgrading less-impactful equipment like the Archer Puppet or Earthquake Boots.
Avoid upgrading common equipment to max level
It is tempting to upgrade every piece of equipment as you upgrade your Blacksmith. However, some good things are worth the wait.
Supercell initially announced that they would introduce new epic-level equipment and events every month. While this plan has been put on hold due to players frowning over Clash of Clans’ jam-packed schedule, it also means that devs plan to release more epic-level equipment along the way.
With this in mind, you should “save up” on your ores and refrain from upgrading equipment that is not used often.
Buy epic equipment in Trader Shop
This may come as a controversial take, but it is always wise to buy epic equipment available in the Trader Shop or during events. While the 1500 gem price can be a huge cost for some, and skins are always tempting to acquire from events, the epic-grade equipment will prove its worth as you progress in the game.
My principle behind acquiring all epic equipment is that you may not find a use for it now, but Clash of Clans meta may always change at any point and may favor one piece of equipment over the other.