Astra’s current status as the least-picked agent in Valorant ranked games sparks a call for buffs and kit changes.
There was a time in Valorant when Astra was considered one of the “broken” agents. However, like fellow agents Jett and Chamber with a then-overpowered kit, these agents have suffered from multiple nerfs in Riot Games’ attempts to balance agent meta.
But unlike Chamber and Jett, who still experience a considerable playing time in both pro and rank, it seems like Astra has faded into obscurity in Valorant competitive play. Based on the Agent statistics of most recent patches, Astra consistently ranks at the bottom of the pick rating.

To put things in perspective, Clove (due to being a new Agent) and meta picks like Viper, Omen, and Jett rake in a pick rating of 50% and above. This only means that Astra’s near-zero pick rate is an abysmal rating for a then-meta agent.
Given Astra’s current status as the least-picked agent from low to high elos, some Valorant players are now begging for buffs and certain kit changes to make her more viable for ranked play.
Among the most salient requests from Astra mains and Valorant controller players is to give Astra another star, which also means reverting the agent to her early kit during her release. Astra was initially released with five stars in her kit, but as many players found this OP, Riot Games has omitted one star.
Another idea involves recharging stars over time, just like Omen’s smokes. However, from a personal perspective, this may make Astra too overpowered, as it allows not only more smokes but also more stuns and invulnerables.
However, another factor to consider is that Astra’s pick rating may not be due to a kit that needs changing but rather the current meta status of other controllers.
In the most recent patches, including in the current VCT season, Omen and Viper have garnered top-pick ratings and could be a better pick than Astra. As these two agents are set to have insanely massive nerfs soon, this could mean better pick ratings for other Controllers.
Given that Riot Games recently released a new Controller agent, Astra mains may need to wait a little longer before their beloved agent gets kit changes.