Being familiar with the significance of Handiwork Pals is essential when completing tasks for your base.
This Palworld guide will introduce the best Pals for Handiwork, explaining why they are the best in this skill and how to get them.
Best Handiwork Pals in Palworld
Capturing different Pals while exploring the world is one of the key aspects of Palworld. Once caught, players may choose to place their Pals at work in their bases. This can range from Planting, Kindling, Mining, and other tasks. Handiwork Pals are especially great at helping you with building technology and crafting items.
There are numerous Pals in Palworld, but here are the best Handiwork Pals that you would want to consider placing in your base:
1. Anubis (Handiwork level 4)
Anubis is the best Handiwork Pal in the game, with its level 4 Handiwork skill. Its Mining is also at Level 3, and its Transporting at level 2. The only challenge with acquiring Anubis is that it is relatively hard to catch.

Where to Find Anubis
You can find Anubis at this exact map location (-134, -95).

Instead of wasting a lot of Legendary Spheres, you can easily breed an Anubis. Check out our guide to breeding Anubis!
2. Wixen (Handiwork level 3)
Wixen has Handiwork level 3, Kindling level 2, and Transporting level 2. This makes it a very useful Pal to have in your base, and it is relatively easier to find and catch compared to Anubis.

Where to Find Wixen
Wixen can be found around the volcano area.

Players can also easily acquire Wixen by breeding a Lamball and a Celeray which are relatively common in the world.
3. Verdash (Handiwork level 3)
Verdash is really useful as it possesses not only Handiwork level 3 but also other Work Suitability, such as Planting level 2, Lumbering level 2, Transporting level 2, and Gathering level 3. This makes Verdash an all-around Pal, which you would need in your base!

Where to Find Verdash
Players will find a level 35 Verdash at this map location (288, 8).

Players may also choose to breed Verdash, which is an easier way to acquire the Pal. To breed the Pal, one must have a Lamball, which is relatively common, and a level 15 Penking, which players encounter in the early game.
4. Lyleen (Handiwork level 3)
Lyleen is number 104 in the Paldeck, with Handiwork level 3, making it very useful in one’s base. Not only that, but it also possesses Planting level 4, Medicine Production level 3, and Gathering level 2. It’s definitely one of the must-have Pals for your base!

Where to Find Lyleen
Lyleen can be found around this area of Palworld. Lyleens are around level 43, so players should be at a suitable level before trying to catch one.

Just like other Pals in this guide, players may also breed Lyleen by having a Mossanda and Petallia. Trying to catch these Pals requires at least level 25 so players and their Pals don’t easily get wiped out.
Video Guide
Want a video guide instead? Make sure to watch ConCon’s video on the best Handiwork Pals to get!
Pals are incredibly handy for tasks around the base. Having Handiwork Pals help you build different technologies and craft items saves you a lot of time, allowing you to focus on other tasks!