Here’s our list of the best Champions to pick for your next League of Legends ARAM game!
Just because your Champion choices in ARAM are randomized doesn’t mean that all Champions in this League of Legends game mode are made equal. While some picks easily dominate the Summoner’s Rift, the gameplay in the Howling Abyss is a league of its own!
Most of the Champions on this list can easily damage multiple enemies with their abilities or have insane crowd control skills. So, while some ADCs and bruisers dominate lane tier lists, they’re surprisingly not top picks for ARAM. Here’s our Top 10 Champions for League of Legends ARAM!
10. Illaoi

Illaoi stands out on our list of top Champions for the single-lane game mode. While most of the picks on this list are Marksmen or Mages, Illaoi is the only fighter-class Champ on our roster.
Sure, tankiness and HP could change how your enemies attack, or their item priorities, but Illaoi is a good choice for ARAM because of her passive, which randomly spawns tentacles on the lane. In the high-action game mode, some players often forget to exterminate these tentacles that could sneakily turn the game in your favor.
Moreover, Illaoi’s ultimate is one of the best crowd-control and multiple-damage abilities for ARAM team fights.
9. Sona

I primarily play support in all League of Legends game modes, so I am delighted to say to my fellow Enchanter-mains that Sona is a great Champion for ARAM. While often frowned upon due to her “squishiness,” this magical musician can function as a support and an AP damager in this mode.
To make Sona truly worth the pick, I always build her with a Moonstone Renewer for extra shielding and healing abilities. You’ll likely farm post-game honors when you help your teammates stay in the lanes longer!
8. Morgana

The best way to frustrate enemies in ARAM is through snares, roots, and basically any crowd-control abilities that “take them out” of the gameplay. As the Champion with the longest stun, Morgana is one of my favorite picks in ARAM.
Moreover, her Black Shield also comes in handy in avoiding ultimate skills that can endanger a team fight.
7. Lux

If one of your teammates rolls a Lux into the ARAM selection lobby, one player will surely pick this fan-favorite mage. Aside from her snare, Lux’s third ability also comes in handy in checking bushes for sneaky Champs like Fiddlesticks, Talon, and Katarina. Moreover, her ultimate has been more powerful with the recent addition of the Malignance item.
6. Smolder

LoL’s newest Champion may have had the limelight taken away from him in Ranked games, but this adorable little dragon finds a new battleground fit for his abilities in ARAM. Smolder’s ultimate ability is perfect for engaging in team fights and giving your team the upper hand.
Moreover, the combo of his first and third skill is a good poking strategy to lower enemy HPs safely.
5. Ahri

This charming Nine-tailed Fox is the Queen of mobility, sneaky gameplay, and luring enemies into her way. One of my favorite abilities of Ahri for ARAM is her charm, which can turn enemies’ offensive advances in your favor.
4. Fiddlesticks

There is nothing that causes me more fright in ARAM lobbies than seeing Fiddlesticks in the enemy team. This spooky Champion has one of the game’s most effective burst and multiple-target abilities (his ultimate).
Fiddlesticks’ ultimate either sets up the gank for your team or completes the kill himself. Either way, this Champion is one of the sure-fire ways to hear “Ace!” or “Pentakill!” in ARAM.
3. Kog’Maw

Champions who can poke and damage enemies while being unscathed are always a top pick for ARAM – and poking is one of the things Kog’Maw excels in. Furthermore, Kog’Maw is excellent against frontline-heavy setups that rely on robust champions to absorb damage because of his ability to rip through tanks.
2. Jinx

Jinx’s move speed after getting an assist or a kill is extremely helpful in ARAM’s highly deadly single-lane map. Moreover, poking at a distance is at the top of Jinx’s repertoire. With her first ability, she can deal numerous targets with damage at once by switching between her rocket launcher and minigun for explosive area-of-effect damage and rapid-fire strikes.
1. Veigar

Imagine being the enemy player, and you use the Hextech Gate to teleport into a long-time stun that would likely result in your death. This is what enemies of Veigar face in the Howling Abyss.
While Morgana’s stun has the longest duration, Veigar’s stun cage has the widest reach and can stun multiple enemies. This ability will come in handy during team fights to instantly neutralize your enemies or keep them in an isolated location.
Veigar’s ultimate is also one of the best execute abilities for a mage!