Prepare to reign supreme in the bot lane with your ADC duo with our League of Legends guide for the best support Champions!
Welcome to our guide on the best support champions in League of Legends! Whether you’re a seasoned support main or looking to expand your champion pool, this article has your back.
In the action-packed world of bot lane battles, having the right support can make all the difference between victory and defeat. We’ve carefully curated a list of the most reliable, versatile, and impactful support champions to help you dominate the bottom lane and lead your team to success.
Updated on May 17, 2024: We ensured that the current tier list is up-to-date and relevant for all players. We will continue to update this tier list with the latest League of Legends patch and in-game item or meta changes.
League of Legends Support Champions Tier list
Tier | Champions |
S+ | Taric, Skarner, Poppy, Leona, Sona |
S | Pyke, Brand, Janna, Rakan, Senna |
A | Shaco, Bard, Zac, Fiddlesticks, Tahm Kench, Rell, Sylas, Velkoz, Thresh, Lux, Maokai, Seraphine |
B | Heimerdinger, Xerath, Camille, Renata Glasc, Neeko, Pantheon, Twitch, Lulu |
C | Ashe, Nautilus, Yuumi, Karma, Teemo |
D | Hwei, Swain, Ezreal, LeBlanc, Milio |
Top 10 Best League of Legends Support Champions
5. Sona

Being a support may be a hard task, but you don’t need a Champion with a steep learning curve to be a good one! Sona’s kit is straightforward, making her an accessible choice for beginners. Despite her “easy” kit, she’s one of the top-performing supports in the current patch.
Sona can passively strengthen teammates in her immediate vicinity with her auras. Her skills let her heal and enable allies with increased movement speed, which makes her a great option for teams that need consistent assistance.
4. Leona

Leona’s kit is built around engaging in fights with her abilities. So, if you’re paired with ADCs that deal consistent damage like Draven, Graves, and Jinx, you’ll benefit from running Leona’s stuns and engages.
As for items, consider building Leona with items that enhance her HP and crowd control. Sunfire Aegis provides Leona with bonus health, armor, and magic resistance, as well as a passive that deals AOE damage to nearby enemies.
3. Poppy

Another LCK Spring final Champion in the hands of GenG’s Lehends, Poppy is a support that brings much value to the team, even beyond the bot lane.
In terms of matchups, Poppy can excel against enemy supports with strong engage or mobility. Champions like Leona or Alistar may struggle to engage on Poppy’s team when she can easily disrupt their dashes and jumps. Her passive, Iron Ambassador, grants her a shield and a ranged auto-attack after using an ability, allowing her to trade effectively in lane and absorb incoming damage.
2. Skarner

Skarner’s new kit is the tank support’s dream! With his new abilities, Skarner can now greatly aid in team fights with the ultimate skill, and even be a great damage tanker for his ADC or bot lane mage. Some of the best items for a Skarner support include Abyssal Mask, Redemption, and Knight’s Vow.
1. Taric

If your team runs a comp with a “softer” bot lane, consider Taric one of the best supports. Taric’s abilities revolve around bolstering defenses for himself and his allies. His Q, “Starlight’s Touch,” heals himself and a nearby allied champion, providing sustain during laning phase and team fights.
Taric works exceptionally well with hyper carries like Kog’Maw, Vayne, or Twitch. His ability to provide them with shields, heals, and invulnerability greatly enhances their survivability and allows them to deal damage more freely in team fights.