Draven’s soaring ban rate concerns League of Legends players as the Champion reaches a nearly 50% ban rate – twice that of any other Champion.
As one of the longest-standing strategy games and among the most prolific esports industries around the globe, League of Legends’ meta always turns heads and catches widespread attention. Aside from the “meta” Champions, fans and players also keep an eye on the ban rating.
While the pick and win rate is one of the biggest indicators of a Champion who currently rules the meta, the ban rating can also determine how much some players fear facing that character. On the current 14.8 patch, Draven reached an unbelievable ban rating – nearly double the usual ban rating in LoL.
The famed ADC and executioner reached a whopping 46.1% ban rate against an 8.1% pick rating. While the second Champion in the ban ranking, the reworked Skarner, only raked in a 26.1% ban rating.

League of Legends players ban Draven due to “toxic playerbase”
This is not Draven’s first rodeo in the top five ban rankings. The ADC has constantly appeared in the most-banned Champions in the past four patches.
Most notably, he’s the only consistent Champion in the most-banned rankings who’s not new or reworked (Skarner and Smoleder) or had a recent meta spike (Twisted Fate and Karma). That being said, some Draven mains are confused about why their favorite pick is always a no-go for most ranked games.
In a Reddit post regarding Draven’s ban rating, one comment explains that the reason behind the bans is not the Champion’s current strength – it’s the players behind the screens.
While the Champion is surely no litmus test for player behavior, it seems like many League of Legends players agree that a game will be more enjoyable without these Draven mains.
Moreover, some players explain that Draven’s “lane bully” tendencies make the game less fun and more tilt-worthy when you’re on the other side of the lane.
While LoL players surely have differing perspectives behind the Draven “ban wagon,” the trend doesn’t show any sign of stopping anytime soon. Especially considering that Riot Games announced their plans to buff ADCs in future patches amid the “support meta” in recent updates.