Xianyun is a 5-star Anemo catalyst character coming soon to Genshin Impact in update 4.4.
Known as Cloud Retainer by Ganyu, Shenhe, and Zhongli, she provides healing and buffs to her teammates’ plunging attacks. Here’s everything Genshin Impact players need to know about Xianyun:
Xianyun Release Date
Xianyun’s banner is expected to become available in the first phase of Genshin Impact’s upcoming 4.4 update, which starts on Jan. 31, 2024.
Accompanying her in her banner is Gaming, a 4-star character wielding a claymore and the power of Pyro. He is a brand new character – a caravan guard players have never interacted with so far, per Video Games.
The banner of the Dendro Archon, Nahida, will also be available for players to wish on alongside Xianyun and Gaming, making this her first re-run since her release on Nov. 2, 2022.
Xianyun Talents
As a character wielding a catalyst and the powers of Anemo, Xianyun can perform up to four normal attacks dealing Anemo DMG, per HoYoverse. Her charged attack launches a Breeze Bolt in a straight line, dealing Anemo DMG to opponents along its path.
Her Elemental Skill, White Clouds at Dawn, allows her to enter a special state called Cloud Transmogrification. While in this state, Xianyun won’t take Fall DMG and has access to Skyladder, which allows her to leap forward and jump above enemies up to three times, dealing Anemo DMG along her path. Note that only one instance of Skyladder DMG can be dealt to any one opponent. Additionally, not using Skyladder after a short period will take Xianyun out of the Cloud Transmogrification state, canceling it in the process.
Players can exit the Cloud Transmogrification state and end their use of Skyladder by executing a Plunge Attack, which – thanks to Xianyun’s elemental skill – is converted to Driftcloud Wave that deals AoE Anemo DMG. Players can use this to end the Cloud Transmogrification state early if needed, though using the Skyladder more than once increases the DMG dealt by the Driftcloud Wave.
Interestingly, players can use Xianyun’s Skyladder to assist them in exploring Teyvat, though they must use Xianyun’s elemental skill while on solid ground before Xianyun can use Skyladder.
Xianyun’s Elemental Burst, Stars Gather at Dusk, has her inflict AoE Anemo DMG and provides a massive heal to all nearby characters based on Xianyun’s ATK value.
In addition, Stars Gather at Dusk provides Xianyun and her team access to the Starwicker mechanism. Thanks to this, Xianyun can heal characters periodically (though at a smaller value) and give eight stacks of Adeptal Assistance. When consumed, these stacks increase active characters’ jump height, allowing them to jump higher and perform plunging attacks that also deal AoE Anemo DMG.
However, only one Starwicker can exist at a time; a team of four Xianyun can’t use their elemental bursts simultaneously to have 32 stacks of Adeptal Assistance.
Xianyun Materials

Due to Xianyun being released alongside Chenyu Vale, a new area of Liyue, Xianyun’s Character Ascension Materials consists of Vayuda Turquoise Gems, Scrolls, and two items exclusive to Chenyu Vale that HoYoverse didn’t reveal as of press time.
However, Eurogamer mentioned that these new materials are called Cloudseam Scale and Clearwater Jade.
Here’s what players need in total:
- 1 Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
- 6 Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
- 9 Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
- 9 Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
- 18 Divining Scroll
- 30 Sealed Scroll
- 36 Forbidden Curse Scroll
- 46 Cloudseam Scale
- 168 Clearwater Jade
- 420,000 Mora
To level up Xianyun’s talents, players will need Guides to Gold, Sealed Scrolls, and a Chenyu Vale-exclusive item called Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom.
Here’s what players need in total:
- 3 Crown of Insight
- 9 Teachings of Gold
- 18 Divining Scroll
- 18 Lightless Eye of the Maelstrom
- 63 Guide to Gold
- 66 Sealed Scroll
- 93 Forbidden Curse Scroll
- 114 Philosophies of Gold
- 4,957,500 Mora
Xianyun Constellations
Thanks to Project Amber, we now have an idea of what Xianyun’s constellations consist of before her release. Due to this fact, however, Hoyoverse could change Xianyun’s constellations before her release – whether they’d actually do so remains to be seen.
- C1 – Purifying Wind: White Clouds at Dawn gains one additional charge
- C2 – Aloof From the World: After using a Skyladder from White Clouds at Dawn, Xianyun’s ATK will be increased by 20% for 15s. Additionally, the effects of the Passive Talent “Consider, the Adeptus in Her Realm” will be enhanced: When the Starwicker created by Stars Gather at Dusk has Adeptal Assistance stacks, nearby active characters’ Plunging Attack shockwave DMG will be increased by 360% of Xianyun’s ATK. The maximum DMG increase that can be achieved this way is 18,000. Each Plunging Attack shockwave DMG instance can only apply this increased DMG effect to a single opponent. Each character can trigger this effect once every 0.4s. You must first unlock the Passive Talent “Consider, the Adeptus in Her Realm.”
- C3 – Creations of Star and Moon: Increases the Level of Stars Gather at Dusk by 3. Maximum upgrade level is 15.
- C4 – Mystery Millet Gourmet: After using Skyladder 1/2/3 times during one White Clouds at Dawn Cloud Transmogrification state, when a Driftcloud Wave unleashed during that instance hits an opponent, it will heal all nearby party members for 50%/80%/150% of Xianyun’s ATK. This effect can be triggered once every 5s.
- C5 – Astride Rose-Colored Clouds: Increases the Level of White Clouds at Dawn by 3.Maximum upgrade level is 15.
- C6 – Cloudkeeper’s Spirit: After Xianyun uses 1/2/3 Skyladders within one Cloud Transmogrification caused by White Clouds at Dawn, the CRIT DMG of a Driftcloud Wave created in this instance of Cloud Transmogrification will be increased by 15%/35%/70%. Within 16s after Xianyun has used Stars Gather at Dusk, White Clouds at Dawn will not enter CD. This effect will be canceled once she has used White Clouds at Dawn 8 times.