Get ready to experience the thunder as the April 2024 Cookie Run: Kingdom update brings a new electrifying Cookie – Stormbringer Cookie!
There is nothing as exciting for Cookie Run: Kingdom gamers as much as the debut of a new cookie. Regardless of its rarity, epic, legendary, or even ancient, players will surely love trying new skills and seeing the adorable art of these feisty pastries!
The latest update, coming April 24, features Stormbringer Cookie, who promises to bring “heaven-splitting lightning” into your Kingdom. This Legendary-rarity cookie is a Charge-type unit with a special lightning skill.
Moreover, the devs have a special surprise for CRK players eager to get the new Legendary cookie. All players who log in and play at the upcoming event are guaranteed to have Stormbringer Cookie!
Cookie Run: Kingdom new treasures, Magic Candies, and Game Mode
Beyond the exciting Cookie debut, there are also more things to look forward to in the upcoming update. One of the game additions is the introduction of “electric-type” Cookies, which expands the elemental units in the game.
Aside from Stormbringer Cookie, the Cookies that will be included in the electric-type roster include Blueberry Pie Cookie, Twizzly Gummy Cookie, Frilled Jellyfish Cookie, Black Lemonade Cookie, Olive Cookie, and Shining Glitter Cookie.
While not on the poster, some players note that Dark Cacao Cookie and Wizard Cookie will be Electric-type Cookies based on the CRK Trailer.
The update will introduce Decadent Choco Cake Tower and Endless Strawberry Cake Tower in the Sublime Cake Towers game mode. Players speculate that this mode will be similar to the Tower of Sweet Chaos mode, if not renamed.
Another update to look forward to is the addition of the Magic Candies for Blueberry Pie Cookie and Twizzly Gummy Cookie! On a personal note, I think the Twizzly Gummy Cookie Candy will make Dark-mode Exploration easier as this unit is helpful against HP-shield enemies.
We hope that you saved up on Rainbow Cubes! Stormbringer Cookie will debut with a fashionable stride as she also comes in the game along with a special Legendary Costume Gacha.
Last but definitely not least, players should also look out for new and upgraded treasures. The Grim-Looking Electrifying Scythe is absolutely one of the most-awaited treasures and is the Epic-level counterpart of the classic Grim-Looking Scythe.
Get ready for this electrifying Cookie Run: Kingdom update, live on April 24, 2024.