Supercell took a turn in the right direction with the Clash of Clans store offers, which became the talk of the town in player communities.
We rarely see gamers praising in-app purchases. Regardless of whether it’s a seasoned game like Clash of Clans or a new game with an insane paywall, most players will agree that the “freemium” model of mobile games can be quite annoying.
However, it seems like Supercell has taken a step in the right direction with their current offering in the Clash of Clans Store. CoC players took time to praise Supercell for the “good deals” available for the players.
If you’re eager to boost your Clash of Clans progress, you are in for a surprising treat! The game currently offers in-app purchases of “banger” bundles that promise up to 20x its worth and a new feature that incentivizes buying the Gold Pass.
Clash of Clans introduces bonuses for in-game purchases
While it’s a given that Supercell would want us CoC players to spend on the game, they’re pushing the boundaries of great offers by incentivizing spending more with bonuses and extra perks for each time you buy.
The first new feature is the Gold Pass Stamp Card, which promises a Book of Everything, gems, and potions every time you complete the card. It takes around $35 USD (or the equivalent of five Gold Passes) to complete the Stamp Card, considering that Supercell gives the first stamp for free.
Another feature is the store purchase bonus, which lets players accrue extra perks (in the form of potions or gems) as they buy bundles or passes.
While many players were excited to hear this addition, some also took note that the cost of an individual Gold Pass now costs a little more.
Beyond the perks of spending more in the game, one of the offers that have garnered player attention is the 20-potion bundle currently in the store. The bundle, which costs around $3 USD, gives you 10 Builder Potions and 10 Research Potions, which could come in handy if you’re rushing your base or just freshly upgraded Town Hall.
Personally, I think the potion pack is extremely worth it for those who have just upgraded Town Halls and do not want to be left behind in their current ranks. I usually find upgrading my TH a headache during the first couple of days (especially for TH12 and above), as my defenses are all underpowered for my current level.
The potion bundle will be available for 20 days or until nearly the end of April.