Supercell draws confusion from Clash of Clans players as the seasoned mobile game joins the trend of “misleading” game ads.
Whether you’re scrolling past your social media news feed or had an ad break on your YouTube video, you’ve probably been “attacked” by a confusing mobile game advertisement by now. This genre of ads ranges from mildly infuriating gameplays to outright confusing storylines.
If you think the “clickbait-y” ads only cater to new titles with a relatively small player base, we’re sad to report that you’re wrong. Clash of Clans players saw a similar ad from the 12-year-old game, which shows a “misleading” sample of CoC’s gameplay.
This is noticeably far from Clash of Clans old ads, which gave us a peek into the personality and character of our in-game troops. Who could possibly forget the iconic voice from The Hog Rider that took us by surprise?
While Supercell continues to produce these well-animated ads, it’s evident that the developers have also embraced the current trend of mobile game marketing. This shift may raise questions for many players, as it seems to deviate from the game’s original charm and identity.
Some Clash of Clans players suggested that one ad agency is responsible for this type of advertising, hence the similar approach and graphics regardless of the game’s own art style.
Beyond the misleading gameplay ads, some CoC fans also saw a meme-style approach to promoting the game on TikTok. While this style is still far from what most Clash of Clans players are used to, it seems to be the more favored option than the misleading ads.
Whether or not these ads are effective may not be for us current players to determine. Sure, most players may wonder how this works, but it must be working, considering the number of developers and game publishers putting their money into this ad genre.
Have you ever downloaded a game from these ads? How was your experience? Let us know in the comments below!