Brawl Stars is introducing six exciting new Hypercharge abilities in Season 26, and as always, they’re set to have a significant impact on gameplay.
All six new Hypercharges will arrive as part of the upcoming Brawl Stars x Godzilla Season, which begins on May 2, 2024. Importantly, however, there will be changes to how Hypercharges are unlocked in the upcoming season. Developers recently noted that the popular Hypercharge Unleashed game mode has been removed from the game and that it will be “easier and faster” to get new Hypercharges.

Brock: Rocket Barrage
Brock fires a Rocket Barrage, raining down rockets in the targeted area simultaneously in four waves.
– Speed: +26%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Brock’s new Hypercharge appeared to be absolutely busted in the Brawl Talk preview, but fortunately, early testers are already reporting that it’s not as overpowered as it looks. This hypercharge allows Brock to unleash four waves of rockets in a tighter area, meaning that players will get more reliable damage upon using their Super. Each rocket deals 500 damage, summing up to considerable burst potential when all rockets hit the target.
Additionally, Brock only needs two full Supers to charge up his hypercharge, allowing for quicker cycling and repeated use within matches. This hypercharge seems fun and has potential, but the actual effectiveness is yet to be seen.

Nita: Hyperbearing
Nita hypercharges Bruce, making him increase in size, giving him 15% increased movement speed and 20% increased health.
– Speed: +26%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Nita’s Hypercharge could be a game-changer in Season 26. The increased movement speed and health are likely to make Bruce incredibly tanky and difficult to take down — especially when paired with buffs from an effective Nita build.
What makes this Hypercharge sneakily powerful, however, is that it takes just two full Supers to recharge. This means a skilled Nita player will be able to consistently apply pressure and control space by spawning numerous Bruces throughout a match. And while Bruce might not have much of an actual impact in terms of damage, enemies will be forced to waste ammo to at least get rid of the threat.

Gene: Hyper Hands
Gene’s Super splits into three different hands, each being able to grab one enemy. First goes straight, and the other two go diagonally.
– Speed: +26%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Gene’s new Hypercharge is one of the most bizarre we’ve seen. While this increases his ability to disrupt multiple opponents at once, the practicality of this upgrade is debatable.
The main challenge is its high requirement; needing three full Supers to activate this hypercharge means it’s less likely to be used frequently within a typical match. Additionally, even if you successfully land these grabs, it will be hard to capitalize on it without a well-prepared team.

Max: Unlimited Energy
Max throws an energy drink to each team member, increasing their movement speed and granting them 25% Super charge.
– Speed: +24%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Max’s Hypercharge allows her to distribute energy drinks to teammates regardless of their location on the map. This not only boosts their movement speed but also provides a substantial 25% Super charge. And that’s worth noting as this could have a massive benefit on Brawlers with slower-charging Supers.
However, the major drawback is its demanding charge requirement—needing 35 shots, equivalent to about 2.5 full Supers. This makes it challenging to use frequently within a game unless paired with Max’s Super Charge star power for faster cycling.

Sandy: Swift Winds
Sandy grants himself and his allies 20% increased movement speed while inside of Sandstorm. His Super will also silence enemies for 0.5 seconds when it lands.
– Speed: +25%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Sandy’s Hypercharge appears to be one of the strongest new additions to the game. The increased movement speed combined with a brief silence effect makes Sandy’s already strong kit been more disruptive.
The fact that it only requires 10 hits to charge—less than two full Supers—means it’s likely to be used frequently throughout a match. Sandy’s ability to control the map, combined with this new hypercharge, could easily elevate him to top-tier status once Season 26 rolls around.

Tick: Headstrong
Tick quickly deploys his head, charging enemies faster and leaving behind six of his minimines on explosion.
– Speed: +26%
– Damage: +25%
– Shield: +5%
Tick’s new Hypercharge will be a welcome site for Tick mains, but it’s unlikely to have a major effect on the meta. While the Hypercharge appears strong at first glance, it should still be easy enough for teams to detonate Tick’s head before it gets close, and it’s doubtful players will step into Tick’s mines after the fact. Furthermore, its high charging requirement—24 mines—might limit its practical use in many matches.