It seemed like a normal day for a Stardew Valley player until a meteorite landed on the perfect spot.
Stardew Valley is an indie farming simulation game developed by ConcernedApe and released in 2016. It has been around for eight years and is continually updated with new content and features, with the 1.6.4 patch recently dropping for the PC.
The world of Stardew Valley is mostly calm and relaxing for the most part, with players planting, fishing, and caring for their animals. However, some events may catch players by surprise.
A Stardew Valley player just entered the Fall season in the Meadowlands Farm and was greeted by the meteorite that landed on the path that leads to the Backwoods.
It doesn’t seem like such a huge problem since you can remove the meteorite using a Gold Pickaxe, but the player hadn’t upgraded theirs yet and was still on the Iron Pickaxe. They then deemed the exit “out of order” and must use other means to get to the Mountains or Robin’s Carpenter Shop.
A meteorite landing is a random event with a 1% chance of happening. It chooses a random 3×3 area on the farm. The meteorite destroys any crops or paths in the area it lands on and can be quite devastating if the crops are of higher value than the loot that the meteorite gives.
It seems like the Stardew Valley player got lucky that the meteorite just blocked a path, but it turns out that the first meteorite they got landed on their ancient fruit, one day away from being fully grown. A Reddit user commented, “Damn, what did you do in your previous life? That’s cursed.”
Another Stardew Valley player shared a tip about removing the fences on the side of the meteorite. They could then place a chair on the other side of the meteorite, which would allow them to hop over it by sitting on the chair.
It seems like the meteorite had its own Gandalf “You shall not pass!” moment. Either way, it’s still a win for the Stardew Valley player as it didn’t destroy a part of their farm, and they would get iridium ores from it once they get the Gold Pickaxe!