Stardew Valley’s 1.6 update could turn green beans into a hugely profitable venture, especially in the early game.
Stardew Valley is a farming simulation game developed by Eric “ConcernedApe” Barone and released in 2016. It has reached many platforms, including PC, mobile, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, and more.
Players will take on the role of a farmer who received a farm from their grandfather. It is up to them to restore it to a working and functional state. They can then plant crops, care for animals, go fishing, and cook dishes.
However, before players can cook the recipes they’ve acquired, they need a kitchen. This can be unlocked by upgrading the first farmhouse to Robin with 10,000g and 450 wood, which is a lot of resources. The renovations will be completed after three in-game days.
An old Reddit post suggested that the Cookout Kit should become an early-game item, not a late-game one. The kit can only be obtained after reaching Foraging level 9 in the current version. They continued that it makes more sense to cook over a campfire when one doesn’t have a kitchen yet.
ConcernedApe replied to this Reddit post, stating it’s not a bad idea. They said they’d be moving some things around in the new update, possibly pertaining to the 1.6 update coming this March 19. The developer said that they’d consider something like this.
This was why a Stardew Valley player noted that if the Cookout Kit is moved to Foraging level 3 or 4, players could cook before the 10,000g farmhouse upgrade. They proposed that during the first month, they’d plant green beans and befriend Clint to give players access to a perfect early-game food, the Bean Hotpot. The recipe for the Bean Hotpot can be learned from Clint at seven hearts.
The Bean Hotpot can give 30 max energy and 32 magnetism for seven minutes. Magnetism, or Magnetic Radius, indicates how far away an object can be from the player before it is automatically collected. Higher magnetism means items can be farther away and can still be collected automatically. This is why the original poster stated that this is a perfect early-game food for mining and clearing space on farms.
Some Stardew Valley players wondered if they could befriend Clint in Spring Year 1, to which another replied that it wasn’t possible. They added that to achieve seven hearts with a villager, they would need 1750 friendship points, or 22 normal-quality loved gifts.
We’ll have to wait until the full patch notes are released and when the 1.6 update for Stardew Valley launches this March 19. Stay tuned for more information here on Level Push!